把『一心兩葉』的茶文化, 表現的真好!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
News: 買機票張大眼睛 別讓旅行社超收費用
昨天, 我才剛買好明年初要到東京參加 PSIVT 研討會的機票, 因此特別關注這則新聞。其實, 這六家旅行社提到『收費還需考慮到匯率差額、代收風險以及手續費變動項目』, 不過我們想想: 如果這六家旅行社在民航局調降稅率的當天, 沒有發出跟著調整的這個動作, 就可證明旅行社超收之間差額, 這有什麼好喊冤的!把別人當傻瓜嗎?旅行社如果道個歉, 退回超收的部分。以後我們買機票根本不用再擔心被超收, 反正被踢爆也會退回, 讓消費者用這種心情來安排旅遊不是很好嗎?
另外, 我剛剛到民航局網站去找相關公告, 根本找不到這項稅率的網頁, 找了很久, 最後是在 即時新聞列表 中找到 "國籍航空公司國際航線客運燃油附加費將有所調整" 這則新聞, 如果這是攸關民眾權益的重要公告, 怎麼會擺到即時新聞呢 ?
另外, 我剛剛到民航局網站去找相關公告, 根本找不到這項稅率的網頁, 找了很久, 最後是在 即時新聞列表 中找到 "國籍航空公司國際航線客運燃油附加費將有所調整" 這則新聞, 如果這是攸關民眾權益的重要公告, 怎麼會擺到即時新聞呢 ?
買機票張大眼睛 別讓旅行社超收費用!
中廣新聞網 2008/12/10 劉映蘭報導
民航局從 9 月起連三個月調降國籍航空的燃油附加費,短程航段從 30 或 25 美金,調降到 17.5美金,長程從 78 或 65 美金,降到 45.5 美金,不過消基會調查旅行社販售機票情況,卻發現20家旅行社,有 6 家的機票價完全沒有反映降價,消基會董事長謝天仁說, 平均降幅長途在39%、短程降幅也有 42%,但有 6 家旅行社聞風不動。
根據消基會計算,燃油附加費的降幅已達4成,這些還繼續收取這筆費用的旅行社等於A了消費者4成的差價,當中不乏知名旅行社,包含 雄師、易遊網、五福、東森、理想和時報旅遊 等6家旅行社完全沒有調降。
以桃園機場飛泰國曼谷的機票為例,原本來回機票含燃油附加費為 1980 元,上個月航空公司已調降到 1152 元,中間價差 828 元,消基會質疑,這些錢沒有反映在機票上給消費者,難道是進了旅行業者的口袋?消基會指出,不同旅行社相同航空公司和航點的機票票價差最多可以差到 1500 元,消基會副董事長蘇錦霞說,如果以一團 20 人出團計算,一間旅行社就超收 3 萬元,再以一個月 20 團計算,旅行社就可能「淨賺」60 萬元?!
而針對消基會指控旅行社「超收」燃油附加費一事,觀光局則表示:消費者如果發現類似的現象,可以向旅行社要求退費,旅行社不得拒絕,不過,觀光局也表示:根據旅遊定型化契約的規範,「交通費」及「稅費」容許 10% 的變動,換言之,如果超收在一成以內,業者可以不必退還。至於業者如果收取兵險附加費,因為國籍航空公司今年已經取消這項費用,一旦查證屬實,將給予嚴厲處分,但如果是外籍航空業者,不在我國的管轄範圍。
至於被點名的旅行社則是集體喊冤,旅行社表示,收費還需考慮到 匯率差額、代收風險以及手續費變動 項目。而觀光局業務組長張錫聰表示,民航局每月初都會在網站上公告燃油附加費的價格,民眾可以上網查詢。
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Make a loan at Kiva.org

Rosa is a member of the "Nobleza" (Nobility) Village Bank. She is 51 years old and married with five children. Rosa makes homemade ice cream with the help of her children; she sells it from her home and in regional markets. She also buys cheese and grains from the markets and re-sells them to stores in the city of Ayacucho.
Rosa is requesting a loan of 800 soles to buy ingredients such as milk and food coloring. She has been a FINCA client for 14 years and says that her business is much stronger today thanks to FINCA’s help. She has more customers and dominates more of the local ice cream market. Her goal for the future is to start up another business.
Kiva.org 有一個很不錯的新 idea!
所有向 Kiva.org 借錢的人都是用分期攤還的方式還錢, 尚未將所有錢還清的時候, 我們所借出去的錢( $ 25 ) 是無法動用的 (再度借出去)。
可是, 通常我們會借出不只一筆貸款, 每一筆都只還了一部分的錢, 累積起來也許已經超過 $25 的最少貸款額度。目前 Kiva.org 的新處理方式是每一筆分期攤還的錢, 將平均分配到當初借出者的 Kiva 帳戶中, 因此, 只要我們的帳戶累積到 $25, 就可以馬上再將錢借出去。這項措施增加了 Kiva 帳戶中金錢的流動性, 讓我們可以幫助到更多需要幫助的人。
今天, 我把收到部分還款又借給祕魯這位辛苦的媽媽 Rosa, 讓我心裡又充滿幸福的感覺!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
News: 阻止日本屠鯨 女星黛瑞漢娜將登上反捕鯨船
雙方最大的爭議就是: 名為科學研究的日本捕鯨, 最後卻都進了日本人的肚子!
日本如果真的這麼愛做科學研究, 請把研究後的鯨魚銷毀, 或把販售所得捐出來好了!
相關新聞: Japanese whale killers have left for the Whale Sanctuary (2008/11/17)
日本如果真的這麼愛做科學研究, 請把研究後的鯨魚銷毀, 或把販售所得捐出來好了!
(法新社雪梨 2 日電 張仲琬 譯)
主辦單位指出,女星黛瑞漢娜(Daryl Hannah)明天將加入反日本捕鯨船的行列,啟程前往波濤洶湧的南極海。黛瑞漢娜將參與激進團體海洋看守保育協會(Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)的年度活動,尋找捕鯨船的蹤影,尾隨和阻止對方捕鯨。黛瑞漢娜最知名的演出,是1984年賣座電影「美人魚」(Splash)中的美人魚一角。
這位女星明天將登上「史帝夫厄文號」(Steve Irwin),自澳洲東部城市布利斯班(Brisbane)啟航,展開首周航程。海洋看守保育協會在聲明中表示:「關注地球所面臨問題的漢娜,將加入組員的行列。」也曾演出電影「銀翼殺手」(Blade Runner)與「追殺比爾」(Kill Bill)的黛瑞說,還要作更多努力,才能阻止日本在南極海殺戮瀕臨絕種的動物。
「史帝夫厄文號」是唯一一艘試圖阻止日本捕鯨船進行今年捕鯨作業的船隻。這艘船以前年遭魟魚襲擊逝世的「鱷魚獵人」厄文命名。過去 20 年曾九度派船前往南極海追蹤捕鯨船的綠色和平組織(Greenpeace),今年則不會派遣船隻,而全力在日本國內發動停止殺害鯨魚的運動。
相關新聞: Japanese whale killers have left for the Whale Sanctuary (2008/11/17)

Book: 我的資優班
這本書是老婆在書田文化廣場石牌店買的, 買了一陣子了。
上個星期六(2008/11/29)早上, 我在石牌怡客咖啡閱讀崔拉‧夏普(Twyla Tharp) 的『創意是一種習慣』, 下午和老婆討論到書中所談論的 "儀式" 所代表的意涵, 及作者對於莫札特這類天才的看法。其實, 作者和莫札特都是同一類型的人, 從小受到父母的影響很大, 雖然有上天的恩賜, 但本身付出的努力也是世人難以想像的。然後, 老婆就提到了游森棚教授這本『我的資優班』。
當天, 我先讀了「閱讀」這一篇, 我發現和我目前在一學期的課程中, 安排學生必須讀兩本課外書的想法吻合, 所以打算拿到課堂上和學生分享這一篇。
星期天, 我繼續閱讀著『創意是一種習慣』, 不過閱讀的速度很慢, 因為閱讀一段就要停下來思考一下, 加上在家閱讀時間較分散, 到了晚上, 精神更不容易集中, 索性我就開始改讀『我的資優班』這本書了。
由於作者的許多觀念, 和我的想法都非常吻合, 因此越看精神越好。在「換老師」這篇文章中, "學生要習慣各式各樣的老師風格" 是我選擇將小孩送進公立國中, 而不是私立學校, 之前就和老婆溝通過的想法。雖然我們夫妻也曾為此在小孩國一階段時, 常常要排解自己小孩和導師之間的衝突, 幸好在小孩升上國二後, 情況已經好轉許多。
如何學好數學的觀念, 我自己也曾經費了一番心力, 在小孩國一下學期, 忍受兩次的數學月考低分(70), 才終於讓小孩願意仔仔細細地先去把數學課本所要傳達的觀念弄懂。
至於「學英文」這篇, 作者的觀念, 大致上我可以理解, 不過不太符合我自己的學習經驗。作者提到的三件事, 第一件就是大量的背單字, 我的經驗是背了也沒用, 很快就忘掉了, 記得自己高中時, 也努力背過字典, 不過背完 A 的部分就放棄了。我現在記得的單字應該不算少, 我認為應該是歸功於作者所提的第二件事: 大量閱讀, 一直閱讀, 盡量閱讀。我有這樣的觀念是來自於空中大學陳達武教授所寫的『英文閱讀方法』一書, 書中提到了「泛讀」與「學習三階段論」, 讓我可以徹底甩掉背單字這件曾經令我苦腦的事, 從此開始專注於用心感受原文作者想要傳達的訊息, 換句話說, 開始專心享受閱讀之樂。把單字記起來, 完全是副作用的緣故。
我沒有機會進資優班, 現在教的學生也是後段班。不過, 幸運的是我認識了一位游森棚教授讀建中資優班的高中同學, 以前我們的辦公室就在隔壁, 彼此交換教學與閱讀之樂是最興奮的事情。前面提到的『創意是一種習慣』這本書就是他推薦的。嗯! 老天同樣待我不薄。
Monday, December 01, 2008
News: 擱淺澳洲海岸 72 頭鯨魚死亡
在更早的 2008/05/22, 在西非的塞內加爾還發生了類似的事件:
2005 年底同樣發生在紐西蘭, 不過地點卻是南島北岸:
先前 (2008/11/24) 的新聞如下:原始新聞連結
(法新社雪梨 30 日電 楊一峰 譯)
一名澳洲官員今天說,繼上週 53 頭領航鯨死在附近海灘後,澳洲南部多礁石的海岸又有 72 頭擱淺的鯨魚死亡。據信,這批長有長鰭的領航鯨是在昨天,擱淺在塔斯馬尼亞島(Tasmania)西部海岸桑迪角(Sandy Cape)遠處的礁石區。
塔斯馬尼亞島的公園及野生動物服務處的亞瑟(Chris Arthur)告訴「法新社」:「有 72 頭動物死亡。」亞瑟說,救援者將陷在海灣礁石區的 32 多頭鯨魚,用小船引領到安全的海域,這些鯨魚現在強壯地在海中游弋。
塔斯馬尼亞官員於昨天清晨在鯨魚擱淺後就保持警戒,一名駕直昇機到此區域觀察的人說,儘管鯨魚被礁石嚴重割傷,有 12 頭鯨魚仍活著。一個救援隊今天抵達這一地區,發現只有兩頭領航鯨活著,領航鯨可以長到 7 公尺多長(20 英呎),重達三公噸。亞瑟說,「在多礁石的海岸邊,原本有兩頭鯨魚存活,但是剛到下午不久,它們就死了。」
澳洲 塔斯馬尼亞島 64 領航鯨擱淺 53 頭先後死亡2008/11/24 22:15 記者 徐家仁 報導
十幾個大人一起把重量超過一兩噸的領航鯨抬起來,然後往海裡移動。這群總數 64 頭的領航鯨,22 號被發現擱淺在塔斯馬尼亞島西北邊海灘上,當時就已經有 52 頭不幸死亡,另一頭沒多久也斷了氣。
保育工作人員 克力士亞瑟:至關重要的事情,就是防止牠們不要熱過頭了,雖然因為牠們是領航鯨,可以在岸上存活很長時間,但大太陽和體重造成體內器官衰竭,對牠們是重大威脅。
工作人員表示,這次不僅僅協助鯨群返回大海,11 頭當中還有 5 頭,由工作人員安裝衛星訊號追蹤器。目前結果顯示,這批領航鯨正朝著東邊前進,並且已經和另一大群座頭鯨會合。這也讓工作人員大大鬆了一口氣。
在更早的 2008/05/22, 在西非的塞內加爾還發生了類似的事件:
塞內加爾 30 年來最大宗擱淺 33 隻鯨魚不治2006 年底同樣的事件則是在紐西蘭上演:原始新聞連結
(法新社塞內加爾達卡 21 日電 張仲琬 譯)
救援人員拯救至少 30 隻長肢領航鯨的努力今天宣告失敗,這些鯨魚前一晚擱淺在塞內加爾首都達卡北部的海灘。
環境專家阿里表示,這 81 隻受困在約夫東戈海灘的鯨魚,是這個西非國家 30 年來最大一起鯨魚擱淺事件。其中 33隻擱淺在沙灘上的鯨魚無法存活下來,不過,救援人員在當地漁夫的協助下,成功讓另外 48 隻鯨魚脫困,並送他們回到海洋。許多擱淺鯨魚據信已經懷孕。
紐西蘭保育人士決定犧牲小鯨 拯救 40 頭鯨魚原始新聞連結
(法新社威靈頓十一日電 王黛麗 譯)
紐西蘭保育人士決定犧牲掉顯然不願游離沙灘的一頭幼鯨後,審慎相信他們已救回另 40 頭鯨魚,但已有 37 頭鯨魚擱淺死在沙灘。保育人士本週末依舊提高警覺在紐西蘭北島東岸巡察,以防領航鯨在下波大潮時重返沙灘。
紐西蘭一直是全球鯨魚擱淺率最高的國家之一,自 1840 年以來,已有逾五千頭鯨魚和海豚受困擱淺。最近一次約有 50 頭長鰭肢鯨魚在南島頂端送別角附近擱淺死亡。
2005 年底同樣發生在紐西蘭, 不過地點卻是南島北岸:
逾 120 頭鯨魚擱淺紐西蘭南島海灘 3 頭已喪生原始新聞連結
(法新社威靈頓二十日電 劉學源 譯)
有 120 多頭領航鯨今天下午擱淺在紐西蘭南島北部送別角附近普彭加海灘上,志工和保育人員正竭力拯救這批受困鯨魚。當地保育部門官員梅森表示,這批鯨魚於下午退潮後受困在沙灘上,至傍晚已有 3 頭死亡,大家寄望明天早上漲潮時,部分受困鯨魚能游回海中。
梅森表示,大約 100 名志工利用溼布覆蓋擱淺鯨魚,並提水潑灑保持鯨魚溼潤,但志工們將在入夜以後撤離。梅森說:「讓人們與這群鯨魚一起留在海上委實太危險。」 除明天早上漲潮時以外,明天下午漲潮期間是拯救受困鯨魚的第二個機會。梅森說:「我們將嘗試以人力協助它們重新浮起來。」梅森表示,今天早上有人目睹到這批鯨魚在海岸附近成群兜圈子,「當退潮時它們就開始擱淺」。這些鯨魚約四到五公尺長,第一頭鯨魚於下午二時(台灣時間上午九時)左右擱淺,其餘鯨魚陸續受困在沙灘上。
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Les Miserables
從劍橋回來的晚上, 我們安排的行程是前往皇后戲院看歌劇悲慘世界(Les Miserables)。


由於是第一次聽歌劇, 因此買的是最便宜的票, 坐在最後一排。心想, 如果覺得好聽, 以後有機會再買前面一點的票, 漸入佳境的感覺總是比較能接受。
Do You Hear the People Sing? [Lyrics]
這齣歌劇真的很好看, 音樂更是好聽, 散場後, 大廳擠滿了買紀念品的民眾, 我也買了有許多彩色劇照的節目表, 還有十週年紀念音樂會 DVD 和原版音樂 CD, 讓我們待在倫敦的最後一個夜晚感到非常地滿足。
YouTube 有許多關於 Les Miserables 的十週年紀念音樂會的影片, 可以讓沒有看過這齣偉大歌劇的人先睹為快。底下這段則是Do You Hear The People Sing? 的片段。
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從劍橋回來的晚上, 我們安排的行程是前往皇后戲院看歌劇悲慘世界(Les Miserables)。


由於是第一次聽歌劇, 因此買的是最便宜的票, 坐在最後一排。心想, 如果覺得好聽, 以後有機會再買前面一點的票, 漸入佳境的感覺總是比較能接受。
Do You Hear the People Sing? [Lyrics]
這齣歌劇真的很好看, 音樂更是好聽, 散場後, 大廳擠滿了買紀念品的民眾, 我也買了有許多彩色劇照的節目表, 還有十週年紀念音樂會 DVD 和原版音樂 CD, 讓我們待在倫敦的最後一個夜晚感到非常地滿足。
YouTube 有許多關於 Les Miserables 的十週年紀念音樂會的影片, 可以讓沒有看過這齣偉大歌劇的人先睹為快。底下這段則是Do You Hear The People Sing? 的片段。
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Punting in Cambridge
在前往英國之前, 蕭桂芳教授就告訴大家, 來到劍橋一定要去撐篙(punting), 感受一下大文豪徐志摩筆下的人間四月天, 因此買完午餐, 我們就一路來到康河(River Cam)與 Garret Hostel Lane 的交會處。

Punts, Cambridge, London, UK

由於 Jill 容易暈船, 因此一行人, 除了我們兩個人之外, 剛好可以坐一艘平底船(punt)。

Punting in Cambridge, London, UK
出發時, 是由 黃世育教授 撐篙提供前進的動力, 王任讚教授控制方向。

Punting in Cambridge, London, UK
回來時, 已經改成由王任讚教授撐篙提供前進的動力, 黃世育教授控制方向。

Punting in Cambridge, London, UK
有許多劍橋大學的學生在這邊打工, 幫觀光客撐篙, 看他們撐篙非常輕鬆。


Punting MVP - Prof. Ran-Zan Wang, Cambridge, London, UK
今天 Punting 的 MVP 是 王任讚 教授, 沒有他, 恐怕無法及時將船在約定的時間內撐回來。
Back to UK & Ireland Trip
在前往英國之前, 蕭桂芳教授就告訴大家, 來到劍橋一定要去撐篙(punting), 感受一下大文豪徐志摩筆下的人間四月天, 因此買完午餐, 我們就一路來到康河(River Cam)與 Garret Hostel Lane 的交會處。

Punts, Cambridge, London, UK

由於 Jill 容易暈船, 因此一行人, 除了我們兩個人之外, 剛好可以坐一艘平底船(punt)。

Punting in Cambridge, London, UK
出發時, 是由 黃世育教授 撐篙提供前進的動力, 王任讚教授控制方向。

Punting in Cambridge, London, UK
回來時, 已經改成由王任讚教授撐篙提供前進的動力, 黃世育教授控制方向。

Punting in Cambridge, London, UK
有許多劍橋大學的學生在這邊打工, 幫觀光客撐篙, 看他們撐篙非常輕鬆。


Punting MVP - Prof. Ran-Zan Wang, Cambridge, London, UK
今天 Punting 的 MVP 是 王任讚 教授, 沒有他, 恐怕無法及時將船在約定的時間內撐回來。
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Thursday, November 20, 2008
Book: 芬蘭教育 世界第一的秘密
這本書是天下雜誌將原本發表於雜誌的文章整理成冊的, 雖然經過精心篩選與編排, 但是, 讀起來總會有些散散的感覺, 讀者必須再經過細細地思量, 才會覺得有所收穫! 不過, 從另外一個角度來看, 也正是原來就是雜誌上的文章, 因此, 讀起來輕輕鬆鬆, 我把他歸屬於『輕閱讀』一類。
本書第三部的主題才是關於芬蘭的教育, 不過就如同世界各國一般, 芬蘭目前的教育制度的發展, 與其歷史背景與地理及氣候因素是息息相關的, 因此天下雜誌很用心地在前兩部花了一些篇幅介紹這些因素。因此, 我覺得任何一個國家想要全盤照抄芬蘭的教育制度, 恐怕也是行不通, 也不是那麼容易的。
或許, 從芬蘭教育的發展史去理解整個前因後果, 再回過頭來找出自己國家的教育制度的問題所在, 並理出我們自己要的是什麼, 或許才有辦法找到台灣教育的出口吧!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Song of Taiwan 台灣之歌
曲詞:黃麒嘉 1958年生
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Book: 上哈佛真正學到的事
『其實作者在哈佛學到的事, 並不是一定要到哈佛才學得到!』。這是我讀完這本書, 從心底浮現的想法。
這星期二(2008/11/11)一進桃園銘傳的辦公室, 就看到桌上擺著這本書, 原來是前一天, 資訊學院 賈院長 推薦給大家看的書。因此, 我當下就到 金石堂網路書局 訂購這本書, 並利用下午監考的片段時間, 看完第一章。作者描述她從事記者工作十年後, 又回到學校, 而且是全世界最頂尖學府的哈佛, 作者把他在哈佛的所見所聞描述下來, 此時, 我的感覺是除了知道一些我們所不知道的名校見聞之外, 閱讀此書的收穫實在不大。
由於這是一本從學生的角度來看頂尖學府的運作, 因此閱讀起來, 並沒有誘發我太多的思考, 讀起來很輕鬆, 所以當我在星期三晚上從全家便利商店拿到書的時候, 已經閱讀完整本書的四分之三。這種輕鬆閱讀的感覺, 其實也很舒服, 我開始對這本書有不一樣的看法, 加上作者在描述自己從小學習英語的方式, 與在美國使用英語所遭遇到的挫折, 那種感受是我可以深深體會, 並且有所共鳴的。從這個角度來看, 這本書還是值得堆薦給學生閱讀的。
星期四早上沒課, 我帶著咖啡, 將辦公室的 Pello 椅子搬到外頭, 一邊享受冬天的陽光, 一邊閱讀這本書的最後幾篇文章。或許是太舒服了, 心情好, 因此覺得最後這幾篇文章, 寫得還真是不錯, 個人覺得是本書最精華的部分。
作者在哈佛學到的『幸福秘訣』, 其實也沒甚麼特別, 但幸福確實就是那麼一回事! 作者描述哈佛圖書館的軼聞, 讓人覺得一間像樣的大學, 確實需要有間讓人填滿許多故事的圖書館, 才會令人懷念。
值得一提的是書中也描述到發生在 2001 年春天的哈佛學生抗議事件。哈佛學生在每天為了功課忙得焦頭爛額的情況下, 依然會抽出時間來關懷社會議題, 為了逼迫學校做出合乎社會正義的決定, 學生堅持並持續包圍校長室, 直到校方有正面的回應。這讓我想到目前在台灣的自由廣場, 同樣聚集了一批學生, 向擁有權力的執政當局提出合乎社會正義的要求。
認清自己, 思考自己想過什麼樣的生活? 該如何努力? 如何找出適合自己的方法? 這些問題, 作者自己藉由在哈佛一年的日子有所體認了, 也提供給我們參考, 然而, 並不是一定也要去哈佛才能體認這些問題, 應該是隨時隨地都可以吧。


聚焦政治責任 交大、清大教授的共同聲明
Friday, November 07, 2008
Do You Hear The People Sing?
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Then join in the fight
That will give you the right to be free!
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Will you give all you can give
So that our banner may advance
Some will fall and some will live
Will you stand up and take your chance?
The blood of the martyrs
Will water the meadows of France!
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
News: Taiwan's Ma meets China envoy as thousands protest
A Democratic Progressive Party supporter shouts during a protest against Chen Yunlin, Chairman of China's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS), and Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou near the Presidential Office in Taipei November 6, 2008.
Original News Link
By Ralph Jennings
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan's president met briefly on Thursday with a Chinese official in one of the highest-level contacts between the two sides since the Chinese civil war, while thousands of protesters clashed with riot police outside.
President Ma Ying-jeou shook hands and exchanged gifts with China's top Taiwan affairs negotiator, Chen Yunlin, who has already signed agreements opening up trade and transport between the two sides that in past years have edged to the brink of war.
Outside the presidential office, at least 10,000 protesters wearing "Taiwan is my country" ribbons shouted abuse, telling Chen to leave and Ma to step down.
Some pushed down barricades and jousted with lines of police armed with riot gear, while others hurled eggs and bottles.
Shortly before midnight local time, columns of riot police began moving about 100 horn-blowing protesters away from the heavily guarded hotel where Chen stayed. Some threw objects at the police and lit firebombs, local TV reported.
"What cannot be denied is that between the two sides some differences and challenges still exist, especially on the issues of Taiwan's security and international space," Ma said at the five-minute meeting with the Chinese leader.
According to security-conscious Taipei, China has more than 1,000 missiles aimed at the island just across the Taiwan Strait, one the world's most dangerous flashpoints.
Beijing, with about 170 diplomatic allies compared with Taiwan's 23, also bars the island from international organizations such as the United Nations, which requires statehood as a precondition for membership.
Communist China, a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council, has claimed sovereignty over self-ruled Taiwan since 1949 and has vowed to bring the island of 23 million people under its rule, by force if necessary.
Ma's predecessor advocated formal independence from China, outraging Beijing and freezing high-level contacts.
Ma told Chen he wanted to see more high-level exchanges and said the two sides should not "mutually deny" each other's existence. Chen's reply to Ma was inaudible to the audience.
"The meeting is highly symbolic, mainly to show a parity between the two sides," said Chao Chien-min, a political science professor at National Cheng Chi University in Taipei.
Ma is under pressure at home to be politically tough on China while improving the island's sagging economy by getting a piece of the other side's booming markets.
Negotiators from Taiwan and China signed a series of deals on Tuesday expanding daily direct flights and agreeing on new air routes, direct cargo shipments and direct postal services.
But protesters have been camping out in the streets since Chen arrived on Monday, accusing Ma of selling out.
"I'm here to resist China," said Lin Ting-fung, a 52-year-old demonstrator from Chungli city, just south of the capital. "I don't know how to express myself clearly, but I just don't feel comfortable when Chen Yunlin is here."
Late on Wednesday, protesters mobbed a Taipei hotel where Chen had attended a banquet. Ma brought forward the time of his meeting with Chen on Thursday to avoid further trouble.
He defended the deals with China and condemned the overnight protests, which blocked Chen's exit from the hotel.
"You can't say that love for Taiwan will become the selling out of Taiwan," he said.
Chen also attended a ceremony on Thursday to mark an upcoming exchange of two giant pandas, a gift symbolic of China, for an indigenous goat and deer duo from Taiwan.
Chen returns to China on Friday.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
News: Taiwan's Leader Meets Chinese Envoy
Original News Link
Published: November 6, 2008
BEIJING — President Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan met with a senior Chinese envoy in Taipei on Thursday in a bid to improve diplomatic ties between the two governments after the envoy signed transportation and trade agreements with Taiwanese negotiators.
The meeting was one of the highest-level exchanges between officials from mainland China and Taiwan since 1949, when the Kuomintang, the party led by Chiang Kai-shek, lost the Chinese civil war to the Communists and retreated to Taiwan. Mr. Ma is a member of the Kuomintang.
The Beijing government considers Taiwan a rebel province and has promised to draw it back into Communist rule, by force it necessary. Many Taiwanese prefer to maintain the status quo of de facto independence, and some advocate formal independence. The policies of the opposition party, the Democratic Progressive Party lean toward outright independence.
The meeting between Mr. Ma and the Chinese envoy, Chen Yunlin, began at 11 a.m. and lasted only five minutes, according to Xinhua, the mainland’s official state news agency. The two officials exchanged gifts: Mr. Chen presented Mr. Ma with a painting of a horse (Mr. Ma’s surname means horse), and Mr. Ma gave Mr. Chen a piece of fine porcelain.
Despite the warming of relations, Mr. Ma told reporters on Thursday that “we can’t deny that there still exist differences and challenges, especially regarding Taiwan’s security and international status.”
Mr. Chen did not address Mr. Ma as zongtong — president. Doing so would have implied that the mainland recognizes Taiwan’s de facto independent status. The question of how Mr. Chen would address Mr. Ma was much discussed by political analysts in the mainland and Taiwan before Mr. Chen arrived in Taipei on Monday for the start of his five-day visit, and pro-nationalist Taiwanese were irate on Thursday after learning that Mr. Chen avoided using Mr. Ma’s formal title.
The meeting came as hundreds of protesters opposed to close ties with the mainland gathered around the meeting site, a government guest house, to denounce the two officials, according to news agencies. Riot police barricaded streets and stood in long lines with shields and batons. The previous night, Mr. Chen had been trapped by protesters in a hotel, the Grand Formosa Regent Taipei, while attending a banquet there.
Hundreds of protesters surrounded the hotel, chanting, throwing eggs and burning Chinese flags, according to news agencies. Riot police intervened and dozens of people were injured.
The chairwoman of the Democratic Progressive Party, Tsai Ing-wen, said this week that Mr. Ma has failed to defend Taiwan’s sovereignty and is conceding too much too quickly to the Beijing government.
Published: November 6, 2008
BEIJING — President Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan met with a senior Chinese envoy in Taipei on Thursday in a bid to improve diplomatic ties between the two governments after the envoy signed transportation and trade agreements with Taiwanese negotiators.
The meeting was one of the highest-level exchanges between officials from mainland China and Taiwan since 1949, when the Kuomintang, the party led by Chiang Kai-shek, lost the Chinese civil war to the Communists and retreated to Taiwan. Mr. Ma is a member of the Kuomintang.
The Beijing government considers Taiwan a rebel province and has promised to draw it back into Communist rule, by force it necessary. Many Taiwanese prefer to maintain the status quo of de facto independence, and some advocate formal independence. The policies of the opposition party, the Democratic Progressive Party lean toward outright independence.
The meeting between Mr. Ma and the Chinese envoy, Chen Yunlin, began at 11 a.m. and lasted only five minutes, according to Xinhua, the mainland’s official state news agency. The two officials exchanged gifts: Mr. Chen presented Mr. Ma with a painting of a horse (Mr. Ma’s surname means horse), and Mr. Ma gave Mr. Chen a piece of fine porcelain.
Despite the warming of relations, Mr. Ma told reporters on Thursday that “we can’t deny that there still exist differences and challenges, especially regarding Taiwan’s security and international status.”
Mr. Chen did not address Mr. Ma as zongtong — president. Doing so would have implied that the mainland recognizes Taiwan’s de facto independent status. The question of how Mr. Chen would address Mr. Ma was much discussed by political analysts in the mainland and Taiwan before Mr. Chen arrived in Taipei on Monday for the start of his five-day visit, and pro-nationalist Taiwanese were irate on Thursday after learning that Mr. Chen avoided using Mr. Ma’s formal title.
The meeting came as hundreds of protesters opposed to close ties with the mainland gathered around the meeting site, a government guest house, to denounce the two officials, according to news agencies. Riot police barricaded streets and stood in long lines with shields and batons. The previous night, Mr. Chen had been trapped by protesters in a hotel, the Grand Formosa Regent Taipei, while attending a banquet there.
Hundreds of protesters surrounded the hotel, chanting, throwing eggs and burning Chinese flags, according to news agencies. Riot police intervened and dozens of people were injured.
The chairwoman of the Democratic Progressive Party, Tsai Ing-wen, said this week that Mr. Ma has failed to defend Taiwan’s sovereignty and is conceding too much too quickly to the Beijing government.
Monday, November 03, 2008
News: Top Chinese Negotiator Arrives in Taiwan


Origial News Link
Published: November 3, 2008
BEIJING -- Mainland China’s top negotiator on Taiwan matters arrived in Taipei on Monday to begin five days of talks aimed at reaching agreements on transportation and economic deals.
The negotiator, Chen Yunlin, is the highest ranking mainland Chinese official to visit Taiwan since the end of the civil war in 1949 and his arrival signals a further warming of relations between the two governments.
Mr. Chen, the head of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait, landed at the Taipei airport and went to the historic Grand Hotel, where he made a few remarks to a crowd of reporters. Talks are expected to begin on Tuesday, when Mr. Chen meets with Chiang Pin-kung, the chairman of the Straits Exchange Foundation, the main negotiating body for Taiwan.
“The step is not easy and is a crystallization of the joint efforts of many compatriots across the strait,” Mr. Chen said, according to Xinhua, mainland China’s state-run news agency.
The negotiating bodies for the two governments met in June in Beijing after a long hiatus and signed a deal to start regular weekend charter flights between mainland and Taiwanese cities. The meeting took place shortly after the inauguration of President Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan, who was elected last March after promising to improve both the economy and relations with the mainland.
But Mr. Ma’s popularity has sagged in recent months — Taiwan’s economic performance has been lackluster, and many Taiwanese citizens say Mr. Ma and his party, the Kuomintang, or KMT, are moving Taiwan into mainland China’s orbit too quickly.
Protests against Mr. Ma’s China policies by the Democratic Progressive Party, or DPP, the main opposition party, have been fierce. On Oct. 21, protests took place when Zhang Mingqing, the vice chairman of the mainland’s negotiating body, toured Taiwan. Mr. Zhang was shoved to the ground by a local politician while visiting the Confucius Temple in the southern city of Tainan, a bastion of the DPP.
During Mr. Chen’s visit, the National Policy Agency is deploying 10,000 security officers, according to the news service of the KMT. Traffic controls have been put in place to guard Mr. Chen’s motorcade, and 800 policemen have been posted to the Grand Hotel, the news service reported.
The Chinese Communist Party sees Taiwan as a rebel province that split from China in 1949, when the KMT sought refuge on the island after losing the Chinese civil war, and must be brought back into the fold. Many Taiwanese prefer to maintain the current status quo of de facto independence, and some, especially members of the DPP, advocate formal independence. The former president, Chen Shui-bian, the first DPP member to hold that office, tried moving the island closer to independence.
Mr. Chen, the mainland negotiator, and Mr. Chiang are expected to sign agreements that increase the charter flight schedule to every other day and open maritime shipping lanes. They are also expected to discuss economic cooperation as a way to fight the global financial crisis.
“It is imperative that the two sides join to help each other to cope,” Mr. Chen said on Monday, according to Xinhua.
Mr. Chen has also said the mainland is again offering to give two pandas to Taiwan, a move that the Beijing government first made in 2005 but that was rejected by the former Taiwanese president. Mr. Ma has indicated he would accept the pandas.
There is rampant speculation in both China and Taiwan over whether Mr. Chen and Mr. Ma will meet. If so, the big question is: Will Mr. Chen address Mr. Ma as zongtong, or president, thus acknowledging that Mr. Ma holds a title that in international affairs is usually accorded only to the head of a sovereign nation?
Sunday, November 02, 2008
我們有這麼一個歷史的, 漂亮的東西,
~ 海角七號導演 魏德聖 ~
Monday, October 27, 2008
脛蹼琵蟌 Copera marginipes

脛蹼琵蟌 ♀ (未熟)
Copera marginipes Rambur, 1842 ( immature)
桃園銘傳的辦公室 2008/09/18 下午, 飛進一隻脛蹼琵蟌, 翻遍汪良仲寫的這本『台灣的蜻蛉』, 勉強找到 p. 128 的 脛蹼琵蟌 ♀ (未熟) 這張照片比較像。書中描述本種分布在台灣全島 500 公尺以下的低海拔地區, 成蟲出現在 4 - 12 月。看起來頗像會闖入別人辦公室的常見品種。

脛蹼琵蟌 ♀ (未熟)
Copera marginipes Rambur, 1842 ( immature)
桃園銘傳的辦公室 2008/09/18 下午, 飛進一隻脛蹼琵蟌, 翻遍汪良仲寫的這本『台灣的蜻蛉』, 勉強找到 p. 128 的 脛蹼琵蟌 ♀ (未熟) 這張照片比較像。書中描述本種分布在台灣全島 500 公尺以下的低海拔地區, 成蟲出現在 4 - 12 月。看起來頗像會闖入別人辦公室的常見品種。
Sunday, October 26, 2008
News: Tens of thousands join anti-China rally in Taiwan
Original Yahoo News Link
by Amber Wang Amber Wang – Sat Oct 25, 8:03 am ET

TAIPEI (AFP) – Tens of thousands of protesters joined a major anti-China rally Saturday to denounce Taiwan's warming ties with Beijing, which they say threaten the self-ruled island's sovereignty.
The demonstrators, many dressed in the opposition Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP) green, marched through Taipei's streets waving flags and chanting.
They hit out at the visit of Beijing's top negotiator in little over a week, and voiced anger at a series of Chinese export scandals including milk products tainted by industrial chemical melamine.
"Opposing toxic products, defending sovereignty," the protesters shouted.
The pro-independence DPP has accused President Ma Ying-jeou's government of failing to stand up to China over the melamine scare, which killed four babies on the mainland and made three children and one woman sick here.
"We are rallying today to give the government a warning. We want it to defend Taiwan's sovereignty and to improve the economy," said DPP chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen.
Organisers said half a million people turned out for what looked like the biggest protest since Beijing-friendly Ma took office in May. No police estimate was available.
Former President Chen Shui-bian, who quit the DPP after money laundering claims against him and his family surfaced earlier this year, joined the march and was met by a cheering crowd.
Chen, dressed in a green T-shirt, chanted pro-Taiwan slogans and gave the thumbs-up to his supporters before beginning to march. He left shortly after arriving at the final rallying point at the presidential office square.
"We oppose the government's pro-China stance because it will jeopardise Taiwan's security and we don't want to see Chen Yunlin here," said protester Huang Mei-feng, a saleswoman from central Changhua county.
President Ma, who was on a visit to the north of the island during the march, said he would welcome talks with Tsai on political and economic issues, a spokesman said.
More than 5,000 police were at the scene, the National Police Agency said, amid reported threats against Tsai and Chen.
Police this week arrested a man for allegedly threatening to harm the two, while Chen said he had received information of a separate death threat warning him against attending the rally.
Relations with Beijing have improved dramatically since Ma came to power, and he has promised to boost business and tourism links with China following eight years of strained relations under the DPP government.
Chen Yunlin, head of China's quasi-official Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait, is expected to arrive on November 3 for the first such high-level talks held in Taiwan.
Chen, whose organisation is authorised by Beijing to handle civilian exchanges with Taipei in the absence of official contacts, is expected to discuss establishing closer shipping and air cargo links.
Trade and travel ties between China and Taiwan have been severely limited since 1949, but talks in June led to the first regular direct flights in nearly six decades.
Nevertheless emotions still run high, and Chen's number two Zhang Mingqing was jostled and shoved to the ground by pro-independence activists during his visit to the island earlier this week.
China and Taiwan split in 1949 after a civil war, but Beijing still regards the island as part of its territory awaiting reunification, by force if necessary.
by Amber Wang Amber Wang – Sat Oct 25, 8:03 am ET

TAIPEI (AFP) – Tens of thousands of protesters joined a major anti-China rally Saturday to denounce Taiwan's warming ties with Beijing, which they say threaten the self-ruled island's sovereignty.
The demonstrators, many dressed in the opposition Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP) green, marched through Taipei's streets waving flags and chanting.
They hit out at the visit of Beijing's top negotiator in little over a week, and voiced anger at a series of Chinese export scandals including milk products tainted by industrial chemical melamine.
"Opposing toxic products, defending sovereignty," the protesters shouted.
The pro-independence DPP has accused President Ma Ying-jeou's government of failing to stand up to China over the melamine scare, which killed four babies on the mainland and made three children and one woman sick here.
"We are rallying today to give the government a warning. We want it to defend Taiwan's sovereignty and to improve the economy," said DPP chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen.
Organisers said half a million people turned out for what looked like the biggest protest since Beijing-friendly Ma took office in May. No police estimate was available.
Former President Chen Shui-bian, who quit the DPP after money laundering claims against him and his family surfaced earlier this year, joined the march and was met by a cheering crowd.
Chen, dressed in a green T-shirt, chanted pro-Taiwan slogans and gave the thumbs-up to his supporters before beginning to march. He left shortly after arriving at the final rallying point at the presidential office square.
"We oppose the government's pro-China stance because it will jeopardise Taiwan's security and we don't want to see Chen Yunlin here," said protester Huang Mei-feng, a saleswoman from central Changhua county.
President Ma, who was on a visit to the north of the island during the march, said he would welcome talks with Tsai on political and economic issues, a spokesman said.
More than 5,000 police were at the scene, the National Police Agency said, amid reported threats against Tsai and Chen.
Police this week arrested a man for allegedly threatening to harm the two, while Chen said he had received information of a separate death threat warning him against attending the rally.
Relations with Beijing have improved dramatically since Ma came to power, and he has promised to boost business and tourism links with China following eight years of strained relations under the DPP government.
Chen Yunlin, head of China's quasi-official Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait, is expected to arrive on November 3 for the first such high-level talks held in Taiwan.
Chen, whose organisation is authorised by Beijing to handle civilian exchanges with Taipei in the absence of official contacts, is expected to discuss establishing closer shipping and air cargo links.
Trade and travel ties between China and Taiwan have been severely limited since 1949, but talks in June led to the first regular direct flights in nearly six decades.
Nevertheless emotions still run high, and Chen's number two Zhang Mingqing was jostled and shoved to the ground by pro-independence activists during his visit to the island earlier this week.
China and Taiwan split in 1949 after a civil war, but Beijing still regards the island as part of its territory awaiting reunification, by force if necessary.
News: Taiwan protesters condemn China
Original BBC News Link

Former Taiwan president Chen Shui-bian was cheered by marchers
Tens of thousands of pro-independence Taiwanese have demonstrated against China, accusing President Ma Ying-jeou of failing to stand up to Beijing.
The opposition marchers in Taipei highlighted a recent scare over dairy products in China, and accused Taiwan's government of playing down the issue.
Relations between China and Taiwan have improved dramatically since Mr Ma came to power in May promising closer ties.
China still regards Taiwan as part of its territory.
The two have been separately governed since the end of a civil war in 1949.
The previous Taiwanese government, led by the Democratic Progressive Party (DDP), had antagonised Beijing with its pro-independence agenda.
Visit from the mainland
During Saturday's march, organised by the DPP, protesters shouted such slogans as: "Opposing toxic products, defending sovereignty."
At least three babies have died in Chaina's tainted milk powder scandal and many more have been taken ill.
Former Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian, also of the DPP, joined the marchers and was cheered by the crowd.
The demonstration comes nine days before a planned visit by Chen Yunlin, Beijing's top negotiator on Taiwanese affairs.
The two sides are expected to discuss new direct flights and food safety.

Former Taiwan president Chen Shui-bian was cheered by marchers
Tens of thousands of pro-independence Taiwanese have demonstrated against China, accusing President Ma Ying-jeou of failing to stand up to Beijing.
The opposition marchers in Taipei highlighted a recent scare over dairy products in China, and accused Taiwan's government of playing down the issue.
Relations between China and Taiwan have improved dramatically since Mr Ma came to power in May promising closer ties.
China still regards Taiwan as part of its territory.
The two have been separately governed since the end of a civil war in 1949.
The previous Taiwanese government, led by the Democratic Progressive Party (DDP), had antagonised Beijing with its pro-independence agenda.
Visit from the mainland
During Saturday's march, organised by the DPP, protesters shouted such slogans as: "Opposing toxic products, defending sovereignty."
At least three babies have died in Chaina's tainted milk powder scandal and many more have been taken ill.
Former Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian, also of the DPP, joined the marchers and was cheered by the crowd.
The demonstration comes nine days before a planned visit by Chen Yunlin, Beijing's top negotiator on Taiwanese affairs.
The two sides are expected to discuss new direct flights and food safety.
News: Half a million march in Taiwan against China, president
Original Reuters News Link
Sat Oct 25, 2008 5:48am EDT
By Ralph Jennings

TAIPEI (Reuters) - Close to half a million people marched in Taiwan on Saturday to protest against the government's growing ties with China, where a tainted milk powder scandal has fueled fresh distrust toward Beijing among island citizens.
In the strongest display of opposition yet to President Ma Ying-jeou, demonstrators flooded central Taipei demanding that Ma step down over his friendly approach to Chinese officials.
China claims self-ruled Taiwan as its own and has threatened to use force, if necessary, to bring the island under its rule.
"If the government continues what it's doing now, we feel it's closing possibilities for the future of Taiwan," said main opposition Democratic Progressive Party Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen.
The protests, organized by the party, come ahead of a first-ever visit by Chen Yunlin, Beijing's top negotiator on Taiwan affairs, on November 3 and could continue into next month to get the official's attention.
China has claimed Taiwan since 1949, when Mao Zedong's Communists won the Chinese civil war and Chiang Kai-shek's KMT fled to the island. But the two sides have held historic talks and established new trade and transit links since Ma took office in May, following decades of hostility.
After a first wave of activists camped overnight outside the presidential office, protesters marched along five routes waving strongly worded banners urging Ma and his premier to step down. They urged the government to pull back from China.
One banner depicted Ma's Nationalist Party and the Communist Party of China as two dogs having sex.
"We don't want our government to sell Taiwan to China," said protester Wang Shu-chung, 42, a service worker. "This event will pressure the administration, but their skin is pretty thick."
Ma will maintain his current approach to China, spokesman Tony Wang said. "We've done a lot to protect people's health, and Ma has said the Republic of China is a sovereign, independent country," Wang said, using Taiwan's legal name.
From November 3 the two sides are expected to discuss new direct flight routes and food safety.
The toxic milk powder scandal in China, where at least four children have died, has prompted Taiwan to ban Chinese dairy imports and pull items from shelves in line with a global trend.
Former Chen Shen Shui-bian, an anti-China firebrand whose family is embroiled in a money laundering investigation, joined the demonstrations despite having received a bullet in the mail earlier this week and despite friction in the opposition party on whether to back him as the probe unfolds.
"I'm not afraid," Chen told reporters ahead of the event. "I'm not afraid of the People's Liberation Army."
(Editing by David Fox)
Sat Oct 25, 2008 5:48am EDT
By Ralph Jennings
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Close to half a million people marched in Taiwan on Saturday to protest against the government's growing ties with China, where a tainted milk powder scandal has fueled fresh distrust toward Beijing among island citizens.
In the strongest display of opposition yet to President Ma Ying-jeou, demonstrators flooded central Taipei demanding that Ma step down over his friendly approach to Chinese officials.
China claims self-ruled Taiwan as its own and has threatened to use force, if necessary, to bring the island under its rule.
"If the government continues what it's doing now, we feel it's closing possibilities for the future of Taiwan," said main opposition Democratic Progressive Party Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen.
The protests, organized by the party, come ahead of a first-ever visit by Chen Yunlin, Beijing's top negotiator on Taiwan affairs, on November 3 and could continue into next month to get the official's attention.
China has claimed Taiwan since 1949, when Mao Zedong's Communists won the Chinese civil war and Chiang Kai-shek's KMT fled to the island. But the two sides have held historic talks and established new trade and transit links since Ma took office in May, following decades of hostility.
After a first wave of activists camped overnight outside the presidential office, protesters marched along five routes waving strongly worded banners urging Ma and his premier to step down. They urged the government to pull back from China.
One banner depicted Ma's Nationalist Party and the Communist Party of China as two dogs having sex.
"We don't want our government to sell Taiwan to China," said protester Wang Shu-chung, 42, a service worker. "This event will pressure the administration, but their skin is pretty thick."
Ma will maintain his current approach to China, spokesman Tony Wang said. "We've done a lot to protect people's health, and Ma has said the Republic of China is a sovereign, independent country," Wang said, using Taiwan's legal name.
From November 3 the two sides are expected to discuss new direct flight routes and food safety.
The toxic milk powder scandal in China, where at least four children have died, has prompted Taiwan to ban Chinese dairy imports and pull items from shelves in line with a global trend.
Former Chen Shen Shui-bian, an anti-China firebrand whose family is embroiled in a money laundering investigation, joined the demonstrations despite having received a bullet in the mail earlier this week and despite friction in the opposition party on whether to back him as the probe unfolds.
"I'm not afraid," Chen told reporters ahead of the event. "I'm not afraid of the People's Liberation Army."
(Editing by David Fox)
Friday, October 24, 2008
細剪斯 Euconocephalus pallides
紅隼 Falco tinnunculus 來訪
News: 櫻花鉤吻鮭 風災折損率降低
我一直很好奇野外的國寶魚數量有多少? 這篇新聞提供了一些蛛絲馬跡!
( 中國時報 2008/10/24 陳慶居, 鄧木卿 綜合報導 )
今年度委託研究計畫調查結果出爐,在八月份颱風尚未來襲之前,櫻花鉤吻鮭棲息地包括高山溪、七家灣溪及其上游,計有 5321 尾,但經歷辛樂克、薔蜜颱風過境,僅約 3629 尾。
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
News: 私校教職員月繳 1400 可領月退
至少讓私校教師的待遇不會差公立學校教師太多, 退休可領月退確實可以讓私校教師安心, 不會一心一意想往公立學校跑。
至少讓私校教師的待遇不會差公立學校教師太多, 退休可領月退確實可以讓私校教師安心, 不會一心一意想往公立學校跑。
私校教職員月繳 1400 可領月退
中國時報 2008/10/20 林志成 台北報導
若經立院通過 最快明年七月上路
政府年撥十億 教育部負擔九成
私校教師陳情 不願退休沒保障
Sunday, October 19, 2008
University City of Cambridge - Part 2
劍橋大學(University of Cambridge) 是由位於劍橋, 單獨運作的 31 個學院(College index)所組成的。

Trinity College, University of Cambridge, London, UK
這是由 亨利八世 ( Henry VIII ) 於 1546 年所成立的三一學院( Trinity College)。
很巧地, 這次前往英國所搭的飛機, 所提供的電影中就有一部 The Other Boleyn Girl (中文譯名: 美人心機), 就是關描述亨利八世曲折離奇的宮廷愛情故事的前半段 - 關於 安妮皇后 的部分, 將宮廷中不擇手段的爭權奪利, 赤裸裸地呈現出來。


Great Court of Trinity College, University of Cambridge, London, UK
我們經過三一學院的時間, 剛好不可以進入參觀, 因此, 我們只在門口往內拍了幾張照片。我第一次對三一學院有印象, 並不是位於劍橋的三一學院 (Trinity College Cambridge), 而是在『驚嘆愛爾蘭』這本書中, 吳祥輝在 p. 38 提到愛爾蘭的最高學府就是位於都柏林的三一學院 (Trinity College Dublin)。這趟旅程的安排, 我們是預計在 7/12 從北愛爾蘭的貝爾法斯特(Belfast) 搭火車前往愛爾蘭的首府 - 都柏林 Dublin, 不過只會去看 Riverdance 而不會去參觀三一學院就是了。

Trinity Lane, Cambridge, London, UK

The Great Gate of Trinity College, University of Cambridge, London, UK

The Gate of Honour is one of three gates at Gonville and Gaiue College,
University of Cambridge, London, UK
University City of Cambridge - Part 1
Back to UK & Ireland Trip

Trinity College, University of Cambridge, London, UK
這是由 亨利八世 ( Henry VIII ) 於 1546 年所成立的三一學院( Trinity College)。
很巧地, 這次前往英國所搭的飛機, 所提供的電影中就有一部 The Other Boleyn Girl (中文譯名: 美人心機), 就是關描述亨利八世曲折離奇的宮廷愛情故事的前半段 - 關於 安妮皇后 的部分, 將宮廷中不擇手段的爭權奪利, 赤裸裸地呈現出來。


Great Court of Trinity College, University of Cambridge, London, UK

Trinity Lane, Cambridge, London, UK

The Great Gate of Trinity College, University of Cambridge, London, UK

The Gate of Honour is one of three gates at Gonville and Gaiue College,
University of Cambridge, London, UK
University City of Cambridge - Part 1
Back to UK & Ireland Trip
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
News: 海角七號再傳捷報 LV 夏威夷影展奪首獎
看來海角七號成為台灣電影有史以來, 票房第一名只是時間的問題了!
光是想到海角七號打敗許多美國 Hollywood 的大片, 就覺得好爽!

光是想到海角七號打敗許多美國 Hollywood 的大片, 就覺得好爽!

海角七號再傳捷報 LV 夏威夷影展奪首獎
Yahoo 奇摩 2008/10/15 14:00 影劇中心
《海角七號》再傳捷報,獲得 2008 年路易威登夏威夷影展,劇情片類首獎 (金蘭花獎)。獲得該獎雖然沒有獎金,但是導演魏德聖十分開心,因為他沒有想到這部本土味濃厚的電影,飄洋過海到了另一個風土民情完全不同的土地,也會受到歡迎。他十分感謝影展,也十分開心夏威夷得觀眾會喜歡這部影片。
該影展唯知名品牌 Louis Vuitton 所贊助,這次影展所頒贈的獎座,是由當地藝術家手工製作的木雕獎座,十分具有當地的風格。
此外,《海角七號》的票房累積到昨日(10/14),台北是累積票房總共是 2 億零 133 萬台幣,全省已經破了四億台幣。台北市票房已經超越《魔戒三部曲─王者再臨》的成績(台北累積票房兩億零四萬),繼續挑戰《侏儸紀公園》( 2 億 1316 萬)。這幾天票房雖然有趨緩趨勢,但是《海角七號》票房依然穩坐第一,大幅超越其他影片。
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Neolucanus swinhoei Bates 紅圓翅鍬形蟲
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