Saturday, August 29, 2009

針灸: 手太陰肺經

黃帝內經靈樞 經脈篇第十



Tuesday, August 18, 2009

News: Taiwan's president defends handling of typhoon

這是馬總統國際記者會後, 美聯社所寫的新聞稿, 標題就直接點出馬總統還在為自己的救援遲緩而辯解,...

網路上有一篇值得推薦的文章: 不要再把責任推給災民 (by 黃世澤)

Taiwan's president defends handling of typhoon

Associated Press Writer

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) -- Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou defended his handling of Typhoon Morakot, saying Tuesday that he was still a strong leader despite the resignation of a senior official in the wake of criticism of the government response to the disaster.

The storm hit Taiwan 11 days ago, causing more than 400 deaths and property damage in excess of $2 billion. Friends and foes alike have blamed Ma for reacting too slowly in dealing with Morakot's aftermath, saying that his weak leadership - including an initial rejection of foreign aid - let down the people of the island.

But in comments Tuesday, Ma rejected those claims out of hand.

"I have exercised strong leadership throughout this process by ordering the armed forces to increase their participation in the disaster rescue operation," he said.

Ma said that he would likely accept the resignation of Vice Foreign Minister Andrew Hsia, who offered to step down late Monday to take responsibility for his agency's rejection of aid from other governments after Morakot hit.

The Foreign Ministry initially instructed Taiwanese missions abroad to reject offers of aid but reversed the decision five days after the storm hit.

Still the criticism is mounting. An editorial in Taiwan's normally pro-Ma China Times newspaper Tuesday said Morakot highlighted fundamental flaws in the president's role as a leader.

"(Ma) has been distant and arrogant, and he has only made (victims) more angry instead of comforting them," the newspaper said. "Second, he is not fast enough in his judgment ... he has not shown decisiveness required in a leader when facing a sudden disaster."

Some lawmakers from the ruling Nationalist Party echoed the China Times claim.

"Ma's problems are that he appointed unsuitable people to senior positions, and he failed to declare the disaster a national emergency, which prevented the military to be mobilized right away," said lawmaker Chiu Yi.

Colleague Lu Hsueh-chang said Ma's Cabinet appeared totally unprepared to cope with Morakot's fury.

"The Cabinet did not show any empathy and it was too careless," he said. "It was unforgivable that the Cabinet did not make any move during the first hours after the typhoon hit."

Meanwhile, a U.S. relief team backed by heavy-lift helicopters stepped up its efforts Tuesday to help local authorities get aid to the hundreds of people thought to be stranded in mountain villages.

Relying mainly on 70 Taiwanese choppers, local rescuers have already ferried more than 35,000 villagers to safety, many stranded in and around 44 hard-hit mountain communities, cut off from the outside world after roads and bridges were washed away by Morakot's fury.

Army spokesman Lt. Col. Tai Chan-te said more than 200 people were rescued Monday but could not give an estimate of how many still needed aid. Officials said late Sunday that at least 1,000 people were still stranded.

In addition to the damage it wrought on Taiwan, Morakot also caused 22 fatalities in the Philippines and eight in China.

That figure does not include the 22 seaman China's official Xinhua News Agency says disappeared when their ship sank off Taiwanese waters on Aug. 8. The seaman were employed by a shipping company in eastern China, Xinhua says.

CNN QuickVote: Should Taiwan's leader stand down over delays in aiding typhoon victims?

這是莫拉克風災過後, CNN 網站的一項網路意見調查, 大意是: 台灣領導人應該為這次救災延緩而下台嗎? (Should Taiwan's leader stand down over delays in aiding typhoon victims?)

我是從 噗浪 (Plurk) 看到這則消息的, 自己投完票, 也轉噗了這個消息, 畢竟一個世界性媒體做這樣的意見調查, 本身就是一件不尋常的事件, 8/12 紐約時報也有一則報導指出台灣總統成為風災後憤怒的目標(Taiwan President Is Target of Anger After Typhoon), 這是外國媒體在八八水災後在台灣所觀察到的現象。

昨天下午 13:37, 我從 CNN 網站截下這個投票結果, 就出門去戶政事務所辦事了, 沒想到回來在噗浪看到這則 CNN 不玩了... 的消息, 到處在 CNN 網站也找不到最後的投票結果, 真的很不尋常。

半夜看重播的大話新聞, 竟然看到自己這張截圖, 竟然上了電視,...

現在, ICRT 網站也開始辦投票了...

Should Ma Ying-jeou step down over slow or ineffective relief efforts in the wake of Typhoon Morakot?

 Yes, he should step down over failing to effectively lead relief efforts.

 No, he is not to blame for failed rescue operations.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

News: 種樹愛台灣 賴倍元 23 年花 15 億


種樹愛台灣 賴倍元 23 年花 15 億
自由時報 2009/08/11 記者陳品竹 台中報導 原始新聞連結

在中台灣的大雪山,有一位種樹的男人賴倍元,23 年來耗資 15 億元,種了超過 20 萬株樹,把原本噴農藥的果園變成了森林,他的傻勁感染了 30 位企業家,也開始用種樹來愛台灣、愛地球。

收購 130 公頃果園植樹



他開始收購有噴灑農藥對環境造成傷害大型果園,收購來的果樹被他全部毀棄,重新種上台灣肖楠、牛樟、雪松、黑松、櫻花等樹種,23 年來,所種樹木已超過 20 萬株,讓 130 公頃果園變成森林,花費在果園的收購、樹苗的費用及種樹工人的薪資將近 15 億。

在基礎的前 5 年,賴倍元每天一早帶著 3 名工人上山整地、牽水管、舖林道、種樹,常常摸黑才回到家,剛開始時,家族對他花了大筆錢去買沒有價值的「荒山野地」種樹,非常不諒解,家人最後也被他的毅力所感動,從不諒解到現在的全力支持,有時候也會上山幫忙種樹、除草。

栽種成樹逾 20 萬株

雖然政府有造林補助,但賴倍元從不申請,悉心呵護每一株樹木,堅持不噴農藥,存活率還高達 98% 以上,林務局人員還向他請教種樹技巧。

擁有 20 萬株「樹大軍」的他說,樹木不會鬧情緒、不會計較薪水、不會罷工抗議,遇到下雨天,還一暝大一寸,感覺就像股票漲停板那樣讓人快活。


許多企業家聽到大雪山有一位種樹的奇人,看到森林後有 30 人受到他的感染,也開始「種樹還給自然」,包括做電板的和準企業董事長賴水河種 10 公頃、做沖床的碩頂董事黃學信 6 公頃、住商不動產董事長吳耀焜種了 10 公頃的樹。

賴倍元說,有了 1 億財產後,後面就只是數字而已,只有把這些錢用在公益,它才會從數字變成有意義。

賴倍元 23 年來收購了 130 公頃的果園,將它們毀棄重新種樹,並向來訪民眾宣揚「種樹還給自然」的理念,他還在山上種雲道高山咖啡,自己烘焙自己賣,所得費用投入森林維護。(記者陳品竹攝)