Saturday, February 28, 2009


P. 60


心陽: 指心臟的脈動有力, 氣血運行流暢, 精神活動興奮的一個方面;
心陰: 指心臟的搏動均勻和緩, 精神活動安靜的一個方面。

心陰與心陽之間互相制約、互相協調, 使心臟有規律的搏動, 進行正常的生理活動。這種相互制約、協調需要在心氣心血的旺盛與充盈的情況下, 才能順利進行。

如果心的氣血不足 (虛), 就有可能導致心的陰陽偏虛,
陽虛則寒, 陰虛則熱,
因此又有「虛寒」與「虛熱」的不同症狀, 必須仔細加以辨別。

如果用訊號處理(signal processing)的角度來看, 心陽有一部分就是指振幅(amplitude), 心陰有一部分指的就是頻率(frequency)這兩項特徵。

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

News: 台灣人赴英 3/03 起免簽證


台灣人赴英 3/03 起免簽證
〔自由時報 2009/02/09 駐歐洲特派記者胡蕙寧 倫敦九日報導〕






英文版的 Taipei Times 還有一則更詳細的報導:

Taiwan wins inclusion in UK's visa-waiver program

Original News Link

By Jenny W. Hsu, STAFF REPORTER, Wednesday, Feb 11, 2009

“Lifting the visa requirement for stays of less than six months will help to build on that to the benefit of both British and Taiwanese people.”
— David Campbell, British Trade and Cultural Office director

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday welcomed Taiwan’s inclusion in the UK’s six-month visa-waiver program and said the government was considering reciprocating the offer.

The UK is the 31st county to grant Taiwanese visa-free privilege. Other countries include some of Taiwan’s allies and a few non-allies such as South Korea, Singapore and Japan.

The British Trade and Cultural Office (BTCO) said yesterday that starting on March 3, Republic of China (ROC) passport holders who wish to visit the UK for less than six months for business or tourism purposes, family visits or as students and who won’t be working there will no longer require a visa.

“Britain enjoys strong commercial and cultural ties with Taiwan,” BTCO’s new director David Campbell said. “Lifting the visa requirement for stays of less than six months will help to build on that to the benefit of both British and Taiwanese people.”

“We believe Taiwan’s inclusion in the visa-waiver program will encourage more Taiwanese tourists to visit Britain and help promote more exchanges among the two peoples,” Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs David Lin (林永樂) said.

The UK made the decision after it concluded that Taiwan had satisfied all the criteria required by the UK Border Agency based on a worldwide review of regime carried out in 2007 and last year.

In his farewell press conference last month, former BTCO director Michael Reilly said London’s “only real area of concern” on admitting Taiwan to the visa-waiver program was the massive migration of Chinese illegal aliens into the UK, saying such privilege could encourage the Chinese use to use ROC passports to smuggle people into the UK.

“The problem of fraudulent documentation or false documentation is a problem around the world. How we address that is to have very close links with migration authorities around the world and that certainly includes Taiwan,” Campbell said, adding that the UK enjoys close and regular contacts with Taiwanese authorities and that those ties would be further cemented in the future.

Asked if London is worried that ROC passports might become an attractive tool for smuggling rings, Campbell said: “I am aware that in recent months, Taiwan has undertaken a number of developments and it is certainly a shared interest around the world to try and combat misuse of documentation.”

“We are confident that with those expert contacts we have that risks such as that can be managed,” he said.

Bureau of Consular Affairs Chief Lo Yu-chung (羅由中) said the announcement showed that London appreciated Taiwan’s issuance of electronic passports. Lu urged other countries to follow the UK’s lead.

BTCO said Taiwanese visiting the UK under the visa-waiver program still had to satisfy authorities at their port of entry that they meet the UK’s admission requirements and must have with them supporting documents such as return flight tickets, evidence of funding, letters from sponsors or the businesses they are visiting, or the school they plan to study at.

The BTCO received more than 28,000 visa applications last year.

Monday, February 09, 2009

News: 獨角鯨北極破冰遷徙 首度曝光

新聞中的獨角鯨, 有時候在書中會翻譯成一角鯨。分類上, 一角鯨科(Family Monodontidae)只有兩種, 除了一角鯨(Narwhal), 另一種就是 海生館 有的白鯨(Beluga)。一角鯨只有成年雄鯨才會長出具有螺旋紋路的長角, 實際上是特化的牙齒。

These stunning images of narwhals are taken from the forthcoming BBC series Nature's Great Events. Picture: BBC

The mammals have been caught for the first time on camera smashing through the arctic ice during the spring thaw. Picture: BBC

The first episode of the series concentrates on the melt and features other animals... Picture: BBC

獨角鯨北極破冰遷徙 首度曝光

中時電子報 2009/02/09 記者潘勛 綜合報導

北極圈稀奇動物「獨角鯨」,會在春天冰層融化時,成群遷徙覓食。「英國廣播公司」(BBC) 最近拍攝節目時,捕捉到這種珍貴畫面,讓世人更加了解獨角鯨。專家表示,地球暖化,北極圈生態丕變,對獨角鯨存活影響之大,只怕更甚於對北極熊。

BBC 拍攝《自然大事件》(Nature's Great Events)節目時,由空中拍攝到成群的獨角鯨,由冰層的窄窄間隙尋路而過,進行危險的春季遷徙,牠們自格陵蘭島西岸首途向北,去尋找食物。



獨角鯨組成團隊,成為向北遷徙的先鋒;隨著春季溫度漸漸上升,和風開始吹裂遼闊的海上冰層,獨角鯨便到達牠們夏日的覓食場地,即加拿大努勒維特省蘭開斯特海峽(Lancaster Sound)的海灣與峽灣。



Wikipedia: Nature's Great Events

Sunday, February 08, 2009



在信義路與復興路交叉口附近的蘇記鼎邊趖, 是基隆廟口邢記鼎邊趖的女婿開的, 原先蘇先生就是基隆廟口邢記鼎邊趖的師傅, 因此, 蘇記鼎邊趖吃起來的口感絕對是不會比基隆廟口差的!

除了鼎邊趖, 淋上特調醬料的豬油飯也很香!

乾麵有兩種口味: 蒜蓉和油蔥, 兩種都好吃, 都要試試看...

這邊的鼎邊趖好吃的原因是原料都是精挑細選, 特別是當你點了一碗鼎邊趖後, 蘇老闆才會把已經混好羹漿的生蝦仁燙熟為蝦仁羹、把已經混好羹漿的生肉燙熟為肉羹, 當然, 乾趖片、高麗菜也是現燙, 最後再一起放到鼎邊趖特有的湯頭中, 香噴噴的端給你。

PS: 老闆的動作也很有看頭, 不可錯過!

Friday, February 06, 2009

Jewel Orchid 金線蓮

這是昨天下午在 社子花卉廣場 買的金線蓮, 剛剛上網找金線蓮適合生長環境的相關資料, 發現要照顧好頗為困難, 基於對濕度的要求, 金線蓮和鐵線蕨都被我放到浴室中了, 至少晚上洗澡時, 浴室是霧氣瀰漫的, 白天光線也還不錯...

國科會科學發展月刊 2003 年 4 月 這期, 有一篇 臺灣金線連風華再現 的科普文章, 下載的 PDF 檔中, 還有一些圖片可以看。照片和我在花卉廣場買的金線蓮有些不同, 應該是不同品種的金線蓮才對。

Paradise Fish 彩兔寶寶長大了

去年五月從水族館買來的一對彩兔, 雌魚生了 一窩小魚 後, 因為水質的緣故跳出魚缸死亡, 雄魚後來也由於照顧不當死亡。至於留下來的一大群小魚, 最後也只有一隻順利長大, 這是剛剛幫他拍的照片。

News: 鯨魚曾是兩棲動物

新聞中的古生物學家是 Philip D. Gingerich, 原始的論文是發表在 PLoS ONE 的一篇科學論文: New Protocetid Whale from the Middle Eocene of Pakistan: Birth on Land, Precocial Development, and Sexual Dimorphism


中廣新聞網 2009/02/04





Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Bredemeijer Minuet®Santhee

原先就想買一個冷水壺, 前天晚上在 誠品信義店 二樓的 設計講 看到這個壺, 心中就決定是它了, 問了價錢覺得還算在可以接受的範圍內, 就把它帶回家了 :)

這是荷蘭設計品牌 Bredemeijer 所設計的 Minuet® Santhee, 我個人覺得造型相當典雅, 雙層不鏽鋼壺身讓我們在倒入熱水時, 不至於燙到手, 霧面處理在擦拭上也會比銀色拋光處理要容易得多, 我和 Jill 都很喜歡, 不過 Ernest 說擺在那邊不太配, Hubert 明天晚上才從日本回來, 到時候就可以知道他喜不喜歡。