Saturday, September 16, 2006

Human Interaction Proofs

昨天上午與學生 meeting, 由於小和的實驗上沒有具體進度, 所以我們就針對微軟所發表的一篇論文討論。這篇論文的首位作者是 Kumar Chellapilla, 任職於 Microsoft Research, 研究主題之一就是 Human Interaction Proof, 至今一共發表了四篇論文, 昨天我們討論的論文是:
Building Segmentation Based Human-friendly Human Interaction Proofs (HIPs)

所謂的 Human Interaction Proof (HIP) 就是在 Internet 上, 用來證明 (prove) 某個互動 (interaction) 是由人 (human) 所發出的, 而不是由程式自動發出的。

大家要在回應文章時, 如果沒有登入自己的帳號, 系統會要求你輸入某個圖片中的文數字, 當你輸入正確時, 就代表系統認為這個回應是人發出的, 而不是網路電腦程式自動發出的。這樣做的目的就是希望阻止一些廣告或惡意癱瘓系統的程式利用大量回應的方式, 達到廣告或癱瘓系統的目的。

這篇論文的摘要寫得非常好, 完全符合科學論文摘要的要求, 沒有多寫一句話, 也沒有少寫一句話, 重點都寫出來了, 把 HIP 的重點與考量都交代的一清二楚, 同學寫論文時, 可以參考。

Human interaction proofs (HIPs) have become common place on the internet due to their effectiveness in deterring automated abuse of online services intended for humans. However, there is a co-evolutionary arms race in progress and these proofs are becoming more difficult for genuine users while attackers are getting better at breaking existing HIPs. We studied various popular HIPs on the internet to understand their strength and human friendliness. To determine HIP strength, we adopted a direct approach of building computer attacks using image processing and machine learning techniques. To understand human-friendliness, a sequence of users studies were conducted to investigate HIP character recognition by humans under a variety of visual distortions and clutter commonly employed in reading-based HIPs. We found that many of the online HIPs are pure recognition tasks that can be easily broken using machine learning. The stronger HIPs tend to pose a combination of segmentation and recognition challenges. Further, the HIP user studies show that given correct segmentation, computers are much better at HIP character recognition than humans.
摘要的第一句話說明HIPs 變得越來越常見的原因。
Human interaction proofs (HIPs) have become common place on the internet due to their effectiveness in deterring automated abuse of online services intended for humans.

第二句, 用 however 來表達話風一轉的語氣, 馬上指出 HIPs 所面臨的困難, 這句話也引出作者想要解決的問題。
However, there is a co-evolutionary arms race in progress and these proofs are becoming more difficult for genuine users while attackers are getting better at breaking existing HIPs.

第三句話說明了作者藉由研究許多 HIPs 系統, 了解到一個好的 HIPs 需要同時去考量 security strength 與 human friendliness 兩個因素。
We studied various popular HIPs on the internet to understand their strength and human friendliness.

接下來都是用不定詞 To 所引領的兩句話, 就是分別說明作者是如何考量這兩個因素。

To determine HIP strength, we adopted a direct approach of building computer attacks using image processing and machine learning techniques.

To understand human-friendliness, a sequence of users studies were conducted to investigate HIP character recognition by humans under a variety of visual distortions and clutter commonly employed in reading-based HIPs.

然後, 作者開始說明研究成果為何。
We found that many of the online HIPs are pure recognition tasks that can be easily broken using machine learning.
The stronger HIPs tend to pose a combination of segmentation and recognition challenges.
Further, the HIP user studies show that given correct segmentation, computers are much better at HIP character recognition than humans.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Galapagos Tortoise (2006/08/16)

提到厄瓜多爾 ( Ecuador ) 的加拉巴哥群島 ( the Galapagos Islands ), 你想到什麼呢?

除了生物學上頂頂有名的達爾文 ( Charles Darwin ) 之外, 很多人會想到的是象龜 (Galapagos tortoise)。

我們在夏威夷的 Honolulu Zoo 看到許多的加拉巴哥象龜, 其中有兩對正在忙碌著, 比較特殊的是這也是我第一次聽到象龜的叫聲。剛剛在 Google 搜尋 Galapagos tortoise 的繁體中文網頁相關資料時, 也看到了 YouTube 有許多相關的影片, 只要輸入 tortoise 與 sex 兩個 tags 搜尋, 就會有一堆影片了。

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Waikiki Neon (2006/08/14)

如果你的眼睛夠利, 或許你可以看到兩道彩虹!
如果你的見識夠多, 或許知道這叫 霓虹
不知道也不要緊, 我也是別人告訴我的!
如果還是看不到, 還有一個方法:
用修圖軟體將色彩的飽和度(saturation) 調大一點, 或許可以到看到!

Friday, September 01, 2006

USS Arizona Memorial (2006/08/14)

二次大戰中, 珍珠港事件傷亡最慘重的美艦亞歷桑納號 (USS Arizona) 共有 1,177 名海軍將士殉難。目前, 沉艦並沒有被打撈上岸, 仍然靜靜地留在當年沉沒的地點。

為了紀念 1941 年 12 月 7 日清晨這場改變歷史的珍珠港事件(Pearl Harbor Attack), 在沉船原址建了純白的紀念堂 ( USS Arizona Memorial ) , 提醒人們記取教訓。

我們一行人差不多在早上八點抵達珍珠港 (Pearl Harbor), 排隊等候領票的隊伍已經幾乎繞了大草坪一圈, 我們領到的票是觀賞早上 10 點鐘的紀錄片 (The Documentary Film on the Pearl Harbor Attack)。

在觀賞影片前, 我們可以自由參觀博物館或在公園休息。Ernest 很喜歡模型, 因此買了一架 B-17 轟炸機模型和一本 B-17 in Action 的相關書籍。

看完長度約 23 分鐘的紀錄片後, 就可以搭海軍的交通船 ( Navy Shuttle Boat ) 前往亞利桑納號紀念館。

紀念館中的氣氛非常莊嚴、肅穆, 我們看到有些前來弔唁的美國人泛紅著雙眼。

亞利桑那號沉船有一小部份是浮出水面的, 沉入水底的部份則變成了魚類棲息的魚礁。

值得一提的是從1941年起至今已經 65 個年頭了, 仍持續地有油從船體內中滲出。